Saturday, May 5, 2012

Strawberries never tasted so good...

Just before jumping in to bed the other night, this recipe popped in to my mind out of no where!  All night long I was creating and eating, creating and eating, so I just had to try it!

Strawberries cut in half and sort of 'hauled' out a wee bit, fill with softened goat cheese, top... using walnuts or pecans, drizzle with honey, and garnish with (home-grown) mint.  Refrigerate until about 5 minutes before serving. 
These tiny morsels combined with a hint of mint burst with amazing flavour. They were so fantastic and fresh, and delicious!


  1. Strawberries look great!

    Love, Mom

  2. I wish I did this before my strawberries went bad! I always buy too many and don't get around to doing anything with them because the recipes get too complicated. This looks perfect!

    Style Tomes
