Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 20... Beyond Avoidance.What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)

What I did do that I was very scared to do was... fill out AND submit an application/resume to the local elementary school for casual substitute teaching, etc; this was the easy part!  Taking the first aid course was the killer.  I've been home for 16 years and haven't had to use my brain in this way since way before our son was born.(approx 18 years)  The thought of the 8 hour course with complete strangers and the mandatory TEST at the end of the day was enough to make me sick.  I was stressed, sleep didn't come easy, worry ruled my mind, and I was nauseous every time I thought about it...I was close to bailing!  Thank goodness, the day before the course was to start, somehow I coerced a friend to take it with me...what a blessing I'll tell ya!  Without this course, I wouldn't be able to work in the school.  It seems like its the new trend...employers want 2 things...a graduation diploma as well as some sort of first aid ticket.

I learned a lot and passed the multiple choice test!  'Phew' I thought I wiped the sweat from my forehead and took a deep breath!  I felt so good on the drive home; like I just won a battle!  MISSION COMPLETE!

My friend and I laughed together on the way home, wondering how our kids survived their childhood days without proper procedure, and protocol!  'Clean' meant rinse with cold water, and apply a wad of toilette paper to the wound; not...wearing the proper 'first aid' rubber gloves, using sanitary cotton swabs...fresh ones with every wipe, and following the step by step guide to slap on a band aid.

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